Goodwood FoS 2013: Uma vista de olhos aos estacionamentos

Goodwood FoS 2013: Uma vista de olhos aos estacionamentos

Apesar do Goodwood Festival of Speed contar sempre com a presença de tudo quanto possas desejar ver por lá, vale sempre a pena dar uma vista de olhos aos carros estacionados fora do evento, até porque os parques estão sempre recheados de supercarros modernos e clássicos. O fotógrafo Alexander Boekholdt foi ao FoS deste ano e tratou da reportagem fotográfica para o Autogespot. Neste artigo, partilhamos as fotos dele dos carros mais exclusivos que estiveram nos estacionamentos do evento, incluindo carros como um McLaren SLR Edition e um raríssimo Porsche 962 Schuppengasse!

Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot
Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot
Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot
Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot
Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot
Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot
Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot
Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot
Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot
Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot
Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot
Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot
Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot
Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot
Goodwood 2013: A look at the parking lotGoodwood 2013: A look at the parking lot

(Fotos da autoria de Alexander van Boekholdt)

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