Detalhes do avistamento

Spotter Ferrari!?!
Visto em Kampen/Sylt, Germany
Data 2024-08-06 16:50

Wow, I didn't expect to see this absolute beauty when I came back from the beach. It's one of my favorite cars, especially in this spec, so I was thrilled to see it and hear the V12 as it drove past me later. Definitely one of my best spots this year, and I hope you enjoy it as well!


Camera model iPhone 13
Aperture f/1.6
Shutterspeed 1/2309 sec.
Focal length 5.1 mm

Detalhes do automóvel

Velocidade máxima 349 KM/H
Aceleração 0-100 KM/H 2.50 s
Potência 1015 HP
Binário 807 Nm @ 9500 RPM
Peso 1772 kg

Comentários a este avistamento

  1. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Hoosier_Exotics  -  Em 17:02

    Incredible find!

  2. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Willem 407  -  Em 17:20

    Fantastic spot for Sylt, Max! Awesome!

  3. Profile pic
    GERMANY Gavinos  -  Em 17:36

    Crazy find!

  4. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM ST22HTV  -  Em 19:02

    Sieht verrückt aus! Liebe dieses Auto

  5. Profile pic
    GERMANY Ferrari!?!  -  Em 19:06

    Thank you very much, guys!

  6. Profile pic
    ITALY Dalzzz  -  Em 19:47

    Crazy Revuelto and awesome spec man!

  7. Profile pic
    SERBIA Ds cars photography  -  Em 23:48

    Stunning find! Looks amazing in matte black!

  8. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS gertjeR  -  Em 07:24

    Amazing car and spot!

  9. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Horse-Power  -  Em 08:29

    WOW, Max. When I clicked onto you page and my eyes caught a glimpse of your Revuelto spot my heart rate jumped to dangerous levels, LOl. Congrats on catching that V12 beast, buddy.

  10. Profile pic
    GERMANY fabianbaege  -  Em 08:33

    Great spot!

  11. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS De Friezen Crew  -  Em 09:39

    Cool spot!

  12. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Carspotter-Arjan  -  Em 16:56

    Stunning spot!

  13. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Hook  -  Em 17:30

    Amazing spot!

  14. Profile pic
    GERMANY Ferrari!?!  -  Em 18:34

    Thank you so much, guys!

  15. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Exclusive_Spottertje  -  Em 20:49

    Cool man!!

  16. Profile pic
    POLAND  -  Em 22:59

    WTF,insande find, unbelievable!

  17. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Rover-Spots  -  Em 21:14

    Superb spot!

  18. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Hoosier_Exotics  -  Em 03:53

    Incredible find of this insane stealth machine!

  19. Profile pic
    GERMANY Spotter0711  -  Em 15:40

    crazy spot!

  20. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS ww_carphotography_  -  Em 11:04

    The Revuelto is crazy! Insane spot!

  21. Isto não está bem

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