Detalhes do avistamento

Spotter Hook
Visto em Düsseldorf, Germany
Data 2024-08-06 20:04

Waarvoor ik vandaag ben gekomen!


Camera model iPhone 13
Aperture f/1.6
Shutterspeed 1/121 sec.
Focal length 5.1 mm

Detalhes do automóvel

Velocidade máxima 349 KM/H
Aceleração 0-100 KM/H 2.50 s
Potência 1015 HP
Binário 807 Nm @ 9500 RPM
Peso 1772 kg

Comentários a este avistamento

  1. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Rover-Spots  -  Em 20:07

    Heel vet!

  2. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS carphotography_daan  -  Em 20:08

    Wat een geluk! Prachtige combo.

  3. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Hook  -  Em 00:59

    Check de laatste foto. Autogespot shirtje 👌🏼 @carphotography_daan

  4. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS  -  Em 07:12

    @Hook denk dat je @Rover-Spots probeerde te vermelden ;) Wel een heel erg dik spotje, ik moet mijn eerste in het wild nog tegenkomen en heb er überhaupt nog maar 1 gezien.

  5. Profile pic
    GERMANY Ferrari!?!  -  Em 10:03

    Amazing spot, spec and combo!

  6. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Pimgroot  -  Em 19:25


  7. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Hook  -  Em 20:48 dat klopt. hahaha. Dit was ook mijn eerste in het wild en gelukkig kunnen platen. @Rover-Spots dankjewel, wou jou vermelden indd. ff kronkel in mijn hoofd.

  8. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Hook  -  Em 20:49

    Thanks mate @Ferrari!?!
    En dankjewel @Pimgroot

  9. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Horse-Power  -  Em 09:12

    Hi Roger. I was just speechless on how many cars that you have recently spotted. So many highline cars. However this particular Bad Boy you spotted will be the icing on the Cheesecake. Magnificent capture of that newest bull from Lamborghini. I am truly envious my friend. I probably will not have the opportunity to catch one here in the States until God knows when, Lol. Talk with you very soon, buddy. @Hook

  10. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Hook  -  Em 23:50

    Deze zien rijden @Johnycarspotter ???

  11. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Johnycarspotter  -  Em 09:27

    Heel erg dik zeg! Naar mijn idee is dit hem inderdaad!

  12. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Hook  -  Em 21:57

    A very late respons on your very nice post underneath this spot. Sorry for that. I just keep going my friend. I hope you are well! Enjoy your weekend! And you will spot one over there sooner or later, that’s not up to god, but just a fact, buddy! I follow you all the way, but very busy at the moment, extra work, beceause a lot of co-workers have holiday, but mine is yet to come. Looking forward to that! Thanks for your always positive reactions buddy, your friend, Roger @Horse-Power

  13. Isto não está bem

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